Travis T-Bone Turner talks his bow shooting tips

We recently tracked down T-Bone Turner and asked him a few questions about his archery routine. T-Bone is known for being extremely accurate with a bow so we interviewed him in hopes that he could help us fine tune our archery skills.
One thing most successful bowhunters do is shoot at extreme distances to have fun and fine tune their skills. “I have Morrell Targets setup at 100 yards so I can practice at those longer distances. If a buck hangs up at 50 or 60 yards, I have the confidence to take the shot,” T-Bone said. Of course T-Bone would never take a 100 yard shot in the field, but if he can consistently make a 100 yard shot in his yard, a 50 yard shot is doable in the field.
T-Bone and the entire Bone Collector team often find themselves in high pressure situations where a monster buck or bull is standing at 30 yards and the camera is rolling. They have to make the shot. “I get anxious when bucks and does are standing in front of me,” T-Bone said with a laugh. “To calm my nerves, I try to visualize that I am standing in my backyard just shooting at my Bionic Buck target. I have made a perfect shot on that target 1,000 times so I know I can make it in the field. It is important to visualize making a good shot.” Do you get the shakes when you are at fall draw on a big buck? Stay positive and visualize yourself putting the arrow in the boiler room.
Another thing T-Bone does during the off season to prepare for bow season is shoot at 3D targets and in 3D tournaments. “From 1989 until 2002, I hardly ever missed a 3D tournament across America. Shooting in 3D tournaments forces you to judge yardage and pick a spot on the animal. It is the most realistic form of practice there is. If a person can’t compete in tournaments, they should at least get a Morrell 3D target like the Bionic Buck or the Back To Back target and practice shooting at a 3D target. They really help me prepare for season,” T-Bone explained.
Many bowhunters don’t really pick up their bows until the summer. T-Bone believes bowhunters should practice all year. “It is important to develop muscle memory so you are ready for the shot in the field. By practicing a few days a week year-round really helps with your accuracy. When season gets close, sometimes I just shoot a few arrows at a time and make sure each shot counts,” T- Bone added.
T-Bone makes his living in the archery industry so he takes shooting his bow very seriously. Whether you are just getting started in the sport or you have been shooting for years, the above tips can help you take your skills to the next level.