Big Bucks At Eye Level

Bow season is here! Now is the time to go out and find a big buck. Over the last few years, one of the increasingly popular ways to hunt bucks is from a saddle. Many bowhunters have fallen in love hunting from a saddle because saddles are lightweight and a bowhunter can quickly move from one hunting location to another when hunting from a saddle. A bowhunter isn’t tied down to one location like they are if they hunt from a treestand.
Another option for bowhunters who like to scout and hunt new locations is to bow hunt from the ground without a blind. Over the years, I have killed several deer from the ground without a blind. Bowhunting deer from the ground can be difficult, but it can also be enjoyable and bowhunters who work hard at perfecting the art of hunting from the ground can be successful.
For starters, when hunting from the ground, the human outline must be broken up in order to pull off a shot with a bow at close range. I break up my outline by hunting on the edge of brush or sitting in thick cover with one lane cut out of it so I can take a shot. I only cut one lane and I make sure the lane is fairly narrow so the majority of my body is hidden in cover. I love hunting on the edge of cattails or by climbing into a down tree.
I prefer hunting near a mock scrape or on the edge of a food source. I rarely ever pull off a shot from the ground unless the deer is distracted by something, which is why I like hunting near a scrape. If a buck or doe approaches the scrape, they will often not see me draw my bow.
I always make sure when bowhunting from the ground that I am scent free and the wind direction is perfect for the location I am hunting. I spray down with an odor- eliminating spray and spray my clothing in a UV killer. Many brands of hunting clothing are brightened with UV brighteners. These brighteners are easily seen by deer. Eliminating the glow from the brighteners decreases the odds of being busted by deer.
Lastly, bowhunters who really want to take their ground hunting to the next level should consider purchasing a 3D leafy suit or a ghillie suit. A guillie suit does an amazing job of breaking up the human outline. Even in open woods where there is very little cover, a bowhunter in a ghillie suit will be hard to spot.
Like hunting from a treestand, I have had the best luck when hunting from the ground when I am hunting a spot for the first time. I love scouting out new spots during deer season, finding a good spot, and hunting that location that day. I disturb the area as little as possible, sit on my knees, and hunt. Deer that walk through the area very rarely bust me because they aren’t accustomed to being hunted in that particular spot.
Hunting from the ground is challenging and rewarding. Good luck this fall if you decide to hunt from the ground without a blind.